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娇 饺 觉 搅 侨 挢 骄 脚 桥的英文

"娇 饺 觉 搅 侨 挢 骄 脚 桥"怎么读


  • jiao
  • "娇"英文翻译    tender; lovely; charming squ ...
  • "饺"英文翻译    dumpling
  • "觉"英文翻译    feel
  • "搅"英文翻译    stir; mix
  • "侨"英文翻译    live abroad
  • "挢"英文翻译    raise; hold up correct count ...
  • "骄"英文翻译    proud; arrogant; conceited
  • "脚"英文翻译    role; part; character
  • "桥"英文翻译    bridge
  • "交 郊 娇 浇 骄 焦 蕉 角 脚 叫 较 教" 英文翻译 :    jiao
  • "搅" 英文翻译 :    动词1.(搅拌) stir; mix 把粥搅一搅 give the porridge a stir; 你把这两种配料搅匀了吗? have you mixed those two ingredients well together? 她用匙搅咖啡。 she stirred her coffee with a spoon.2.(扰乱; 搅扰) disturb; annoy 她在工作, 别搅她。 she's working. don't disturb her
  • "饺" 英文翻译 :    名词(饺子) dumpling 水 [蒸] 饺 boiled [steamed] dumplings
  • "侨" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词(在国外居住; 侨居) live abroadⅡ名词1.(侨民) a person living abroad 华侨 overseas chinese; chinese nationals residing abroad; 外侨 foreign residents; aliens2.(姓氏) a surname 侨皓 qiao hao
  • "挢" 英文翻译 :    [书面语]Ⅰ动词1.(举起; 翘起) raise; hold up2.(矫正) correct3.(假托; 诈称) counterfeit; fabricate; falsifyⅡ形容词(强壮) strong
  • "骄" 英文翻译 :    形容词1.(骄傲) proud; arrogant; conceited 胜不骄, 败不馁 not be dizzy with success, nor discouraged by failure2.[书面语] (猛烈) strong; fierce 骄阳 blazing sun
  • "娇" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(女子、小孩、花朵等柔嫩、美丽可爱) tender; lovely; charming2.(娇气) squeamish; finicky 她才走几里地就叫苦, 未免太娇了。 she started grumbling after walking only a few li. she's really too soft.3.(虚弱) fragile; frail; delicate 这孩子身体太娇。 the child's health is fragile.Ⅱ动词(过度爱护) spoil; pamper 娇生惯养 pampered since childhood; 别把你的小女儿娇坏了! don't pamper your little daughter
  • "觉" 英文翻译 :    觉名词(睡眠) sleep 午觉 midday nap; 我想上楼去睡一觉。 i think i'll go upstairs and have a sleep. 祝你睡一夜好觉。 i wish you a good night's sleep.
  • "脚" 英文翻译 :    脚名词1.(人或动物的腿的下端, 接触地面的部分) foot; [儿语] footsie; footsy 赤脚 barefoot; 那女孩一发脾气就跺脚。 that girl stamps her foot when she is in a passion. 他的脚麻木了。 his foot has gone to sleep.2.(东西的最下部) base; foot 墙脚 the foot of a wall; 山脚 the foot of a hill3.[方言] (残渣) dregs; residue 茶脚 leftover tea and tea leaves4.[方言] (腿) leg 桌脚 legs of a table
  • "桥" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(桥梁) bridge 独木桥 single-plank [single-log] bridge; 木桥 wooden bridge; 石拱桥 stone arch bridge; 铁索桥 chain bridge; 在河上架桥 build [construct; erect; lay; stretch; throw a bridge over a river; 走过桥 go along [across; over] a bridge ; 船正从桥下通过。 the boat is passing under the bridge.2.(姓氏) a surname 桥玄 qiao xuan
  • "觉 树" 英文翻译 :    kyaw thu
  • "尺,脚" 英文翻译 :    foot
  • "脚,足" 英文翻译 :    prog foot
  • "脚(单数)" 英文翻译 :    foot
  • "脚(一只)" 英文翻译 :    foot
  • "脚;英寸" 英文翻译 :    ft foot;feet
娇 饺 觉 搅 侨 挢 骄 脚 桥的英文翻译,娇 饺 觉 搅 侨 挢 骄 脚 桥英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译娇 饺 觉 搅 侨 挢 骄 脚 桥,娇 饺 觉 搅 侨 挢 骄 脚 桥的英文意思,嬌 餃 覺 攪 僑 撟 驕 腳 橋的英文娇 饺 觉 搅 侨 挢 骄 脚 桥 meaning in English嬌 餃 覺 攪 僑 撟 驕 腳 橋的英文娇 饺 觉 搅 侨 挢 骄 脚 桥怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。